My Software Repos ycx_rf_notebooks - Jupyter notebook projects, studies in RF Electronics theory. ycx_rf_amplifiers - RF Amplifier support library for Jupyter notebooks ycx_complex_numbers ...
My Software Repos ycx_rf_notebooks - Jupyter notebook projects, studies in RF Electronics theory. ycx_rf_amplifiers - RF Amplifier support library for Jupyter notebooks ycx_complex_numbers ...
In this notebook I have used ABCD Networks to describe individual components in Tee and Pi circuits, to build the circuit networks and then calculate their respective Immittances:- Notebook: two_p...
The Transistor Feedback Amplifier calculator has been enhanced with plots of the model’s characteristics and experimentally including Linvill and Stern stability:- Notebook: Feedback Amplifier
In this one we look at the common-base spice model and show the miller-effect on current gain. This shows the common-base hybrid-pi model with the collector-base capacitance disabled:- this is ...
Here I am reproducing the transistor hybrid-pi model in QUCS-S with ngspice. I wanted to view the behaviour of the Miller Effect of a transistor’s intrinsic capacitances - specifically the Collect...
I’ve written a Jupyter Notebook in Python that mirrors the functionality of Wes Hayward’s Feedback Amplifier calculator fba08.exe that is provided with his book Experimental Methods in RF Design - ...
Continuing reading Wes Hayward’s Introduction to Radio Frequency Design and had a go at rewriting the EMRFD Ladpac-2008 biasnpn08.exe program in Python as an interactive Jupyter Notebook:- see: Bi...
Reading Introduction to Radio Frequency Design by Wes Hayward [W7ZOI], and literally by only page 5 I’m wanting to plot a chart - to help me to understand the nature of Beta in Complex terms - from...
From the “bible” Experimental Methods in RF Design [W7ZOI, KK7B, W7PUA]. This is intended to be used to generate a low distortion audio tone, to simulate a microphone input, and to allow the signa...