
Complex Beta of a Bipolar Transistor

Reading Introduction to Radio Frequency Design by Wes Hayward [W7ZOI], and literally by only page 5 I’m wanting to plot a chart - to help me to understand the nature of Beta in Complex terms - from the math presented:

Plot of complex beta for a bipolar transistor

\[\beta(F) = \frac{\beta_0}{1 + j\beta_0 F/F_T}\]


  • $\beta$ is Complex at RF
  • The estimation: $\beta = F_T/F$ (solid red line above) only begins to be accurate well above $F_B$
  • The phase angle of $\beta$ is $-45^\circ$ at $F_B$
  • The phase angle of $\beta$ is $-90^\circ$ at $F_T$
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